
Adventures begin everywhere

"We become ... brave by doing brave acts" Aristotle

Hello There!

I'm Marilyn

A few years ago, I left the known safety of living in a house, bought a caravan (trailer to some) and started travelling around my country of New Zealand.

I’ve stopped and worked in some places and had brief visits at others. 

What started as an extended holiday has become a way of living which I love. Many women ask about this lifestyle, and wonder if they could do it also. Here I share my stories that I hope will inspire you to live bravely in whatever way that means for you. 


Featured Stories

Morning sunrise


Living in my small home right by the water is one of my greatest joys. Watching the sun rise, the sea birds return from their early fishing adventures and smelling the salt air feels so good. 

McKenzie Country

The McKenzie region of south Canterbury opens up to a vast flat plain with distant mountains framing the horizon. 

There is something grand and awesome tabout this view hat touches something deep inside your soul. I think we are wired to feel something emotional when we see beauty and this area does that for me.

Caravan Living

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Lake Opahu lunch

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It's not the Chances you Take but the Choices Make that determine your destiny - Aristotle

Don’t waste time wishing when you have an opportunity to go somewhere. If you are unable to go, then armchair travel. Explore, learn, let your imagination free.

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain

Sahara Desert

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Fields of Wheat

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My Recent Video

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A book for small children about James having fun at the farm.

Click here to download

India, Mauritius

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Africa, Tanzania

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Seychelles, Praslin

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Ideas to Inspire

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